As the year winds down, we have compiled a list of our most popular hunting, fishing, and outdoor stories for your perusing pleasure.

Here are the 10 most-viewed stories on from 2023:

1. Trail Cam tricks

a trail camera covered in bark

2. Bear hide tanning in five easy steps

3. 2023 Fishing regs released

4. Potential new lake trout record

5. Ask a CO: Outdoors cards for seniors over 65?

6. Model 84 Cooey hinge or break-action shotgun

7. Hunter orange: The do’s and dont’s 

8. Ask a CO: How close can you hunt to dwellings if you are hunting on private property or Crown land?

9. New potential record buck

10. The ins and outs of working with slingshots 

Honourable mentions

When to rattle, call, and do nothing at all

Cougar claims can’t be confirmed

New aquatic invasive found in Ontario

New range opportunities open

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