Goose peeking from cover

Goose hunters in WMUs 65 and 94 should be aware of changes in bag limits during the upcoming 2020-2021 season. 

In WMU 65, the daily bag limit will be reduced from five to three birds from September 26 to October 30. The decreased bag limit for the Atlantic Population (AP) of Canada geese from five to three birds per day during peak migration is in response to concerns over recent declines in the number of breeding AP Canada geese.

More restrictive regulations are implemented in Canada and the United States when the three-year average number of breeding geese is below 150,000 pairs. Currently, the last three-year average is 130,971 breeding pairs. 

Other limits increased

Similar measures are also proposed for Quebec.

In WMU 94, during the regular waterfowl season (from September 26 to January 9, 2021) hunters will see their daily bag limits increase from two to three Canada geese. The previous hunting restrictions on Canada geese and Cackling geese in WMU 94 were put in place to prevent the overharvesting of the Southern Hudson Bay Population (SHBP) of Canada geese.

Lately, however, harvest rates have not been meeting harvest rates objectives, so there is opportunity to increase the harvest of SHBP Canada geese in Ontario. The change will harmonize the daily bag limit restriction with adjacent WMUs in Ontario and surrounding Great Lakes States.

These new regulations are highlighted in the 2020 Summary of Migratory Birds Hunting Regulations for Ontario.  Check this document for further details.

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