firearm safe

The federal government has unexpectedly withdrawn two highly contentious firearm law amendments that would have banned hundreds of firearms, many commonly used by hunters.

The amendments, which caused a furor in Canadian hunting and shooting communities, were introduced without warning last November to firearms Bill-C21, An Act to amend certain Acts and certain consequential amendments (firearm).

The motion to withdraw them was tabled by Taleeb Noormohamed, Liberal MP for Vancouver Granville during a meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Feb. 3. The committee approved unanimously.

Amendments came as surprise

The amendments were known as G4 and G46. G4 would have codified an evergreen definition of prohibited firearms. Amendment G46, introduced a 307-page list of firearms that included semi-automatic centrefire and shotguns that held over five rounds, as well as firearms with a bore diameter of 20 mm or greater or 10,000 joules of muzzle energy or more.

Both amendments were initially tabled without public consultation and took the public and committee by surprise at the time. They were immediately viewed by hunting, shooting, and firearms organizations and enthusiasts as a further attack on firearms ownership and an ill-concealed attempt to confiscate some hunting rifles and shotguns. The amendments also garnered serious opposition by The Assembly of First Nations as well as Conservative and New Democratic politicians along with hunting and firearms organizations and their members. They also received a lukewarm reception from many ordinary Canadians.

Move praised by OFAH

The withdrawal of the amendment came as a pleasant surprise to those who opposed it.

“It was an unexpected but very welcome development,” said OFAH Manager of Policy Mark Ryckman.

“We’re pleased that the Liberal government has recognized the negative implications of the proposed amendments and have withdrawn them from consideration. The changes would have impacted untold numbers of firearms that are widely used for hunting in Canada,” he said. “The Standing Committee will now undertake broader consultation with gun owners, including Indigenous communities – something they should have done a while ago.”

Ryckman cautioned that the removal of the amendments, while welcome by the hunting and shooting communities, does not impact Bill C-21, which still includes a ban on handguns and what the government refers to as “assault-style rifles.”

Public safety Minister Marco Medicino said, “… There have been legitimate concerns raised about the need for consultation and debate on this vital part of the bill. We hear the concerns loud and clear, regret the confusion that this process has caused and are committed to a thoughtful and respectful conversation that is based on fact, not fear….”

Ryckman also noted the withdrawn amendments had been holding back discussion and debate on other aspects of Bill C-21, which has not yet passed third reading.

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