a map of FMZ 15 FEAT

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) Assistant Regional Resources Planning Manager Jesse Van Allen confirmed in January that the FMZ 15 Draft Management Plan and comments received from anglers and stakeholders, were being reviewed by MNRF staff.

“The earliest possible date to implement any proposed changes would be Jan. 1, 2024,” he said. “Depending on when the plan is approved, the changes may be implemented Jan. 1, 2025.”

The plan, which caused concern for some anglers and businesses that rely on winter angling, was placed on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO) in late 2022 for public comment. Van Allen said 460 comments were received, which is higher than generally received for a draft FMZ plan.

Feedback to be sought

Van Allen said once the review is complete, the MNRF will seek feedback from the FMZ 15 Advisory Council, comprised of representatives including First Nation and Métis communities, local anglers, the tourism sector, environmental non-government organizations, local business representatives, cottage associations, and the public.

Following that, he said, updates could be made. He expects a finalized plan in 2023 to be posted on the ERO, along with a summary of comments and any updates.

Comments were generally supportive of the priority to conserve and rehabilitate cold-water species, Van Allen noted, adding some anglers believed the proposal would end all winter angling opportunities for trout, which he said was not the case.

He pointed out that while some season changes were proposed to protect naturally occurring brook trout and lake trout populations, a winter season from the first Saturday before Family Day to the to third Sunday in March was proposed on large natural lake trout lakes (greater than 500 hectares).

Also, the many lakes that are stocked with brook trout, lake trout, rainbow trout, brown trout, or splake would continue to be stocked and available as year-round angling opportunities.

The plan also proposes:

• Removing most existing winter fish sanctuaries, allowing new winter fishing opportunities for some species.
• Extending the current angling season for smallmouth and largemouth bass.

For more information on the proposal, click here

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