Muskie in water

Muskie hunters, it’s time to pack your lures and head out on the water for the opener this Saturday. The following Fisheries Management Zones (FMZs) are set to open.

Zone 2
Zone 4
Zone 5
Zone 6
Zone 9
Zone 10
Zone 11
Zone 12 (Opens Friday June 19, 2015)
Zone 13
Zone 14
Zone 15 (Opened First Saturday in June 2015)
Zone 16 (Opened First Saturday in June 2015)
Zone 17 (Opened First Saturday in June 2015)
Zone 18 (Opened First Saturday in June 2015)
Zone 19 (Opened First Saturday in June 2015)
Zone 20

Note that some FMZs have exceptions. Always check the 2015 Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary at the beginning of the season and before heading out to fish a new area.