Field testing Canada Fishing Reels’ GL1
We review Canada Fishing Reels’ GL1, which is perfect for anglers looking to troll for salmon or trout.
We review Canada Fishing Reels’ GL1, which is perfect for anglers looking to troll for salmon or trout.
If you enjoy deep-lake trolling, divers are a must-have tool. Divers pull the lure down to a specific depth. Learn about the three common types of divers.
Trout fly selection can be a challenge, particularly during times when insects are less active, follow these strategies to stay on the fish.
Port Hope is once again temporarily closing access to land bordering the Ganaraska River in two phases as a result of the provincial shutdown and stay at home order.
Steelhead fishing is a great teacher. Good observation and an open mind will help you fill your bag of tricks along the journey.
This bright and healthy dish is best served on a patio with a pint glass of shandy. If you grow tomatoes and basil, making a big batch of bruschetta is a great way to use the bounty your garden is producing. Or, just pick up some bruschetta at the grocery store.
Making your own gear has it rewards, especially when a fresh chrome trout yanks it down. Check out these step-by-step instructions for DIY cured eggs that will be sure to put a trout on your line.