The Canadian Wildlife Service is proposing a fee increase to the Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit and Conservation Stamp needed to hunt any listed migratory bird.
According to the Environment and Climate Change Canada Public Consultation Document, the increase is being proposed to “help support greater habitat conservation efforts and cost recovery for the program.”
The increases in cost are being proposed over a three-year period, at the same rate for both the permit and stamp. Year one (Aug. 2019 – Jun. 2020) would see an increase of $2.00 to each, year two (Aug. 2020 – Jun. 2021) would see the same $2.00 increase, and year three (Aug 2021 – June 2022) would see a $1.50 increase.
By August 2021 the cost of the Conservation Stamp will be $14.00 and the Migratory Game Bird Hunting Permit will be $14.00, bringing the total fees to $28.00.
The public consultation document also outlines proposed new fees for the production and mailing of products to customers. They would include:
“a) Fee of $5.00 for obtaining a physical permit at a vendor, rather than buying the permit online, (to cover administrative costs for printing and shipping, and for commissions paid to vendors which vary from $2.00 to over $4.00).
b) Fee of $2.00 for requesting a physical stamp be sent by mail after purchasing an electronic permit online (to cover costs for administering this process and shipping).”
Potential future fee increases would be tied to the Consumer Price Index and would take place every four years. Fees have not increased for the stamp since 1991 and not since 1998 for the permit.
The proposed increases are open to feedback from the public until March 21, 2018. Click here for more information on the proposal and how to submit your feedback.
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