A full list of firearms that would be banned by an amendment to federal Bill C-21 has been revealed.

The proposal, which focuses mostly on semi-automatic shotguns and centrefire rifles, could criminalize millions of hunting firearms. It targets those “designed to accept a detachable cartridge magazine with a capacity greater than five cartridges of the type for which the firearm was originally designed.”

The amendment has yet to be voted on by the Liberal, NDP, and Bloc Quebecois members of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security. It was introduced by committee member and Markham-Unionville MP Paul Chiang on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

The list of firearms was published by the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR), which filed an application in federal court to the firearm ban earlier this year. Details on when the proposed ban would take effect or how it would be implemented have are not yet available.

The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) has reached out to the government for more information on the impact of the amendment and will continue to recommend concrete actions that will address gun crime while minimizing the impact on the hunting community, Manager of Policy Mark Ryckman said.

“Changes of this magnitude warrant the same level of critical analysis and debate in the political arena that has been given to other aspects of Bill C-21. Pushing these amendments without hearing evidence from Canadians is unacceptable,” he said.

To read the OFAH Bill C-21 timeline, click here

For more on what’s happening with firearms, click here

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