With more hunters seeing the advantages of ground blind hunting, blinds are steadily becoming more popular. Their mobility gives hunters flexibility of location, the ability to adjust for the wind, and multiple setup options. They also offer greater concealment, help contain scent, and keep hunters out of the elements.
Whether you’re setting up a ground blind for an extended period of time, or hauling it in the day of, here are a few tips for more effective and comfortable hunting.
1. Handheld rake
Dead leaves, dry branches, and grass are noisy underfoot, no matter how sneaky you try to be inside your blind. To alleviate this problem, bring along a small handheld rake when setting up and use it to remove ground litter.
2. Fleece-blanket floor
In addition to raking, lay out a small blanket on the ground to add stealth and comfort to your blind. You can find inexpensive fleece blankets at dollar or department stores that are perfect to cover dry grass and any remaining debris. Your floor will be virtually silent.
With a covered floor, you can remove your boots if you like, to make things even quieter and more comfortable. Note, use scent-killer detergent to wash the blanket before you install it.
3. Machete and pruner
While this may sound a bit Crocodile Dundee-esque, I always have a machete on hand when setting up a blind. It makes quick work of grass, thorny shrubs, or brush, and quickly clears shooting lanes.
A pair of pruning shears is another must-have for branches growing in your blind, or to clear shooting lanes. I always carry a set of ratcheting pruners with me. They come in handy, and the ratcheting feature allows you to clip bigger branches.
4. Quiet snacks and drinks
With the increased comfort and concealment blinds provide, hunters are able to sit longer. Having drinks and snacks can both tide you over those hours and help pass the time. That being said, unwrapping a foil-wrapped granola baron a still, frosty morning can sound like cannon fire and may not be the best thing for your hunt.
Minimize noise by taking foods out of their original packages at home and rewrapping them in plastic film or reusable plastic containers. Take the lid off the container as soon as you’re set up. Pack a thermos of coffee and water in a reusable bottle (avoiding plastic disposable bottles). For extra stealth, wrap the containers in hockey or camo duct tape to minimize noise.
While sipping your coffee in the blind,ensure you have a plan for what to do with it when Mr. Big walks in. It would be a shame for coffee to be the demise of your hunt. Having an upside down bucket as a table beside you is handy for gear (and coffee).
5. Ground blind chair
A comfortable chair can make a big difference to a hunt. Are you able to put in the hours or do you have to pack up early and head home with a sore behind? While some chairs seem appealing due to their small size and weight, be sure they are comfortable. I’ve spent many miserable hours sitting on tiny three-legged stools, and had to quit before I was ready. You may not want to haul a big, bulky chair into your ground blind, but consider your comfort and try to find a balance.
I have a Redhead blackout hunting seat. It’s a bit heavier and larger than a simple camp chair. With its padded seat, armrests, adjustable legs for uneven ground, and quiet 360 degree swivel it’s the ultimate blind chair and well worth the weight.
Add a few of these tricks to your ground blind game, to increase your comfort and effectiveness this season.
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