nighttime - mark

Photo courtesy of Marc Giorgini

The Municipality of Port Hope has implemented a nighttime fishing ban on stretches of the Ganaraska River.

According to the Port Hope tourism website, fishing will not be permitted from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the area spanning from Robertson Bridge to the Molson Street Bridge.

The resolution was originally proposed to the Municipality of Port Hope Council on Feb 21 in a report that suggested prohibiting night fishing in specified areas of the Ganaraska River from Aug. 15 until Sept. 30.

The report stated that “snagging, gaffing, and netting of fish, fishing in a sanctuary, harvesting roe, leaving remains to spoil, fishing without a valid licence, and keeping more than the daily limits” were occurring in the area, with much of the behaviour happening at night.

True to the recommendation, the ban started Tuesday, Aug. 15.

“The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) is disappointed that illegal behaviour has reflected so poorly on law-abiding anglers that the Town of Port Hope has chosen to restrict fishing opportunities,” said OFAH Fish and Wildlife Services Manager Matt DeMille. “We hope this action will result in a focused enforcement presence.”

“The OFAH would still like to see the Town of Port Hope re-examine the timing of the closure bylaw to allow for fishing at first light,” he continued.

Click here to learn more about the original proposal of this ban.