On Sept. 6 a video of a man catching a muskie, clubbing it, and tossing it back into the water started to circulate on social media.

Afterward the angler, who had been dubbed a muskie hater, did a video interview with the Windsor Star explaining that it was all a big mistake.

Ontario OUT OF DOORS has since found out from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) that “the enforcement branch is aware of the YouTube video and is investigating the incident.”

Mark Robbins, provincial enforcement specialist with the MNRF enforcement branch confirmed that it is an offence under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (FWCA) for “someone to take a fish suitable for human consumption and abandon the fish, if its flesh may become unsuitable for human consumption.”

In terms of fines and punishment for such acts, “A conservation officer always has a number of options when it comes to investigating offences. The officer may give a verbal warning, while sometimes a ticket might be issued, and less commonly, a summons to attend court might be appropriate. Every case is different and promoting future compliance to the law is the officer’s ultimate goal,” he explained.

“If a ticket was issued the penalty would be $150 plus court associated costs. If a more formal process was followed, a court could assess a monetary penalty of not more than $25,000. In addition to, or as an alternative to monetary penalties, a person convicted of an offence under the FWCA may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not more than one year. The court may also order that a person not possess or obtain a fishing licence or engage in fishing for a specified period of time.”

Is this guy a muskie hater or was it a big misunderstanding? Watch these 2 videos and give us your take on it.

WARNING: This video contains some profane language

This is the man’s interview with the Windsor Star.

What do you think?

Originally published on Sept. 11, 2014.