moose drawThe Ontario government has announced its intention to improve the moose draw process. Over the next two years, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will look at making, “the moose draw fairer, more accessible and simpler for hunters,” according to a government press release issued Nov. 22.

The government says it will work with an advisory committee over the next two years to review, “how tag quotas are developed, how hunters apply for tags, and the current allocation process.”

“We appreciate the feedback and perspectives shared by hunters and stakeholders, and I encourage them to continue contributing to the discussion on moose management approaches,” said John Yakabuski, minister of natural resources and forestry, in the release.

“The OFAH has been asking for this type of review for years,” said OFAH Wildlife Biologist Keith Munro. “Many of our members had lost faith in the previous government’s ability to manage moose and the apparent lack of interest in listening to moose hunters. This review will hopefully pave the road for the conservation of Ontario’s moose populations, while supporting sustainable hunting opportunities.”

“We are constantly hearing from moose hunters who want to share their concerns and recommendations about how to improve moose management and moose hunting,”added Munro. “We have been keeping track and are ready to share these ideas with the moose advisory committee.”

Details on how the moose tag review process will roll out will be provided here as soon as they become available.

Click here to read more about the coromant hunt in the works.