
The Ontario government is going ahead with plans to clean up the crown land portion of the Canadian International Paper Company wet lagoon in Hawkesbury.

The goal of this initiative is to improve water and air quality, benefit wildlife and vegetation, and restore valuable waterfront land in Hawkesbury. The lagoon was environmentally devastated due to the dumping of wood waste by the paper mill, which shut down operations in Hawkesbury in 1982.

The province has already invested more than $5 million in a 2-year pilot project to determine the most effective course of action. The total cost of the clean-up contract, which was awarded to Conastoga Rovers and Tervita Corporation, will be approximately $18.5 million over 3 years.

“By investing in this cleanup project, Ontario is investing in the people of Hawkesbury and a healthy environment in our community for future generations,” said MPP for Glengarry—Prescott—Russell Grant Crack. “I am proud that, through MPP Crack’s efforts, our government is supporting the cleanup of the wet lagoon site in Hawkesbury — an environmental challenge in this community for more than three decades,” said Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Bill Mauro. “Once complete, Hawkesbury residents will enjoy cleaner air, cleaner water, and improved green space on this remediated portion of Crown waterfront land.”

The crown land that the lagoon is on is categorized as an enhanced management area and so some restrictions to angling and hunting may apply. You can check the status of this land and any other crown land using the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas.