a bullet with a full metal jacket

The e-petition on the government’s ban on “military-style assault rifles” is now the most-signed electronic petition in Canadian history.

E-Petition 2341 (Democratic Process) was launched on Dec. 17, 2019 by Alberta MP Glen Motz. It calls on the government to “put any new firearms laws, bans, buyback programs or changes to licensing before the House of Commons to be debated.”  

E-2341 passed 140,000 signatures in late January, making it the most-signed e-petition in Canadian history. It was launched after Public Safety Minister Bill Blair said the Liberals would resort to Orders in Council – a process where legislative changes are passed through Cabinet, but don’t go before the House of Commons – to pass gun legislation.

More work ahead

“I am grateful to the more than 137,000 Canadians who have signed the petition, and honoured to help bring their voices to Ottawa,” Motz said. “But there is still a lot more work ahead in bringing some common sense to tackling crime issues, as well as having the Liberals drop their misguided approach. More and more Canadians are joining the fight every day, and I encourage all law-abiding Canadians to sign the petition at www.E2341.ca.” 

The petition is open until Feb. 15.

“The petition is just one part of the many organizations, members of parliament, and individuals seeking to ensure that law-abiding Canadians are not targeted by governments for the actions of criminals and gangs. When this many Canadians speak loud and clear, it would be wise for the Liberals to heed their voice,” he added.

Motz encouraged by results

In an earlier interview with Ontario OUT of DOORS, Motz noted the former leading e-petition was about democratic reform. This is something the Liberals did not follow through on, and Motz surmised the petition might have been a part of that decision.

Motz was also encouraged by the results of a recent press conference of GTA mayors about firearms violence in the city. The conference didn’t reiterate the need for a handgun ban. Previously, Toronto Mayor John Tory had been outspoken on the need for a handgun ban.

“We have already seen some politicians like Mayor John Tory amend their direction based on intelligence and evidence from police,” Motz said. “I hope to continue to bring evidence to this conversation and leave the Liberals no room to mislead Canadians.”

Fairness and respect

Asked if the government would consider the petition, Mary-Liz Power, communications advisor for the Minister of Public Safety, answered, “Our government’s top priority is keeping Canadians safe. Too often, Canadians experience firsthand the devastating impact that gun violence has on our communities. We must take decisive action to strengthen gun control. That includes ending the proliferation of military-style assault rifles in Canada.”

The government already invested $327 million in tackling gang violence and gun smuggling in the last mandate, Power added. More will be invested in the coming months.

“Hunters, farmers, and law-abiding recreational gun owners will be treated with fairness and respect. We work together to keep our communities safe,” she said.

Click here for more on the gun mandate

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