Ask a CO: do crossbows need to be encased, uncocked, and unloaded in the field before and after legal shooting times?
This reader enlists the knowledge of Conservation Officers to question when crossbows need to be encased in the woods.
This reader enlists the knowledge of Conservation Officers to question when crossbows need to be encased in the woods.
"If I don’t fill a doe tag during rifle season, can I still use it later in the same WMU during the bow season?"
This reader asks what hunting and fishing information is required when interacting with a Conservation Officer.
Am I permitted to keep arrows in my quiver with a small-game point during bows-only deer season? I don't want to waste a broadhead.
This reader's Ask A CO question asks: what are the penalties if a misidentified moose is shot? Specifically, calves and yearlings?
Knowing fish don't feel pain in no way absolves anglers from acting responsibly. Just the opposite is true.
Ask a CO takes Ontario OUT of DOORS readers’ questions and utilizes the knowledge of Conservation Officers to find the answers.
Demiesha Dennis is more than a passionate angler, having founded a community dedicated to everyone enjoying the outdoors. And it’s thriving.
OOD's Guns and ammo columnists Linda Miller and Keith Cunningham provide insight on the use of a peep sight on a .30-30.