Study shows spring bear hunt helps moose
A study in June 2024’s The Journal of Wildlife Management found that having a spring bear hunt can be beneficial to moose.
A study in June 2024’s The Journal of Wildlife Management found that having a spring bear hunt can be beneficial to moose.
Consumption advisories varied greatly between Ontario, Quebec, New York, and the First Nations communities along the St. Lawrence River.
University of Wisconsin (UW) researchers recently examined the impact of microplastics in fish, specifically, yellow perch.
A study reports that since the highway became four lanes in 2012, vehicle-elk collisions near Greater Sudbury have more than doubled.
A Western University study discovered that fear of predators can reduce wildlife populations by as much as 50% within a five-year period.
New research finds methylmercury-contaminated fish recover quickly once the mercury source is eliminated.
According to research, brown trout can become addicted to low levels of methamphetamine occurring in their surroundings.
A study to determine the extent of West Nile Virus (WNV) exposure in wild turkeys and ruffed grouse is entering its second year.
Canadians spent an estimated $18.9 billion on fishing, hunting, trapping, and sport shooting in 2018, according to a new study commissioned by the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) and the Canadian Sporting Arms and Ammunition Association (CSAAA), with support from 30 other groups.