Gord Ellis hall of fame

Ontario OUT of DOORS (OOD) Senior Editor Gord Ellis recently learned he is going to be one of the latest inductees into the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame in Hayward, Wisconsin.

This induction, according to the hall of fame, which is internationally focused on the education, recognition and promotion of fresh water sport fishing, is in recognition of Gord’s contribution, dedication, and service to the fresh water sport fishing industry. Gord’s contributions have been many. “After learning about the Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame, Gord immediately came to mind as a person worthy of being nominated.” said Jay Dampier, area extension director with the University of Wisconsin – Extension, and the one who nominated Gord.

“In addition to being a highly knowledgeable angler and guide, Gord is also a great communicator and excellent ambassador to sport fishing in northwestern Ontario.”

Gord’s contributions to the angling community span from journalistic efforts to education and outreach. He has been involved with OOD for about 25 years. OOD Editor-in-Chief, Lezlie Goodwin, said that while it was a wonderful surprise to learn of Gord’s induction, it was well-earned. “Gord is the best kind of ambassador for recreational fishing. He’s upbeat, safety conscious, and highly skilled. We are very pleased for him.”

Gord is also long standing employee of CBC News. He has promoted the outdoors through other media efforts as well, including columns and articles with Minnesota Outdoor News, Thunder Bay’s Chronicle Journal, The Globe and Mail, The National Post, and numerous Ontario publications. Gord has worked with Ontario Tourism and played a role in educating and working to help change regulations around steelhead and lake trout, which made a difference in Ontario fisheries.

While fishing is closely intertwined with Gord’s career, it remains his passion, “I still get so much joy from fishing. It balances me and it’s something I look forward to. There are very few days fishing that I would rather be anywhere else. I’m happier doing it than anything and it is my passion to share it and educate others,” said Gord.

Of his upcoming induction Gord said, “It’s a huge honour and was a bit of a shock. I’ve always loved fishing and have been fortunate enough to build a career that’s allowed me to enjoy it, but one of the things I am most proud of is seeing my boys and the next generation becoming anglers and conservationists. It’s what drives me.”

Click here to read Gord’s blog, Free Range.