Silhouette of a fisherman in winter ice fishing at sunset

Dark green: Days when fish and game are most active.
Light green: Days when fish and game are more active than usual.
Unofficial key dates:
March 1 Snow and Ross’s geese seasons open in WMU 65
March 1 Spring wild turkey and bear licences available
March 1 Antlerless deer draw entry opens
March 10 Daylight saving time begins
March 31 Northern area snowshoe, European hare, cottontail seasons close

Day SunRise SunSet MoonRise MoonSet MinorAM MajorAM MinorPM MajorPM
1 6:59 6:05 4:18a 1:25p 1:17 7:29 1:42 7:54
2 6:58 6:06 5:03a 2:19p 2:01 8:13 2:25 8:37
3 6:56 6:07 5:43a 3:16p 2:44 8:56 3:08 9:20
4 6:54 6:09 6:17a 4:16p 3:27 9:38 3:50 10:01
5 6:52 6:10 6:47a 5:17p 4:09 10:20 4:32 10:43
6 6:50 6:11 7:14a 6:18p 4:52 11:03 5:14 11:25
7 6:49 6:13 7:38a 7:20p 5:36 11:21 5:57 —–
8 6:47 6:14 8:01a 8:21p 6:21 12:10 6:42 12:31
9 6:45 6:15 8:24a 9:24p 7:07 12:57 7:29 1:18
10 7:43 7:17 9:49a 11:27p 8:56 2:45 9:18 3:07
11 7:41 7:18 10:15a NoMoon 9:46 3:34 10:09 3:58
12 7:39 7:19 10:46a 12:33a 10:38 4:26 11:03 4:51
13 7:38 7:21 11:23a 1:40a 11:33 5:20 11:59 5:46
14 7:36 7:22 12:08p 2:46a 12:05 6:15 12:29 6:43
15 7:34 7:23 1:02p 3:49a 12:55 7:10 1:25 7:40
16 7:32 7:25 2:07p 4:48a 1:51 8:06 2:21 8:36
17 7:30 7:26 3:19p 5:40a 2:45 9:00 3:15 9:31
18 7:28 7:27 4:36p 6:24a 3:39 9:54 4:09 10:23
19 7:26 7:28 5:56p 7:02a 4:32 10:46 5:00 11:15
20 7:24 7:30 7:14p 7:35a 5:25 11:38 5:52 —–
21 7:23 7:31 8:31p 8:06a 6:18 12:05 6:45 12:32
22 7:21 7:32 9:46p 8:34a 7:13 1:01 7:39 1:26
23 7:19 7:34 11:00p 9:03a 8:10 1:57 8:36 2:23
24 7:17 7:35 NoMoon 9:34a 9:07 2:55 9:33 3:20
25 7:15 7:36 12:10a 10:08a 10:05 3:52 10:30 4:17
26 7:13 7:37 1:17a 10:46a 11:01 4:48 11:26 5:13
27 7:11 7:39 2:18a 11:30a 11:54 5:42 —– 6:07
28 7:09 7:40 3:13a 12:18p 12:20 6:33 12:45 6:58
29 7:07 7:41 4:01a 1:11p 1:08 7:21 1:33 7:45
30 7:06 7:42 4:43a 2:08p 1:54 8:06 2:18 8:30
31 7:04 7:44 5:19a 3:07p 2:37 8:48 3:00 9:11

MajorAM/PM: Daily times when fish and animals are likely to be most active. Periods last two hours, beginning at listed time.

To get appropriate sunrise and sunset times for your area, visit the Government of Canada’s weather website.

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