If you’re new to goose hunting, you’re going to need a few important things.
The most successful way to hunt geese in a field is with lay-out blinds, so start there. Get into the model you’re considering buying. Be sure it’s comfortable, as you might spend a lot of time in it.
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Also, invest in a goose flag before a call, because it will likely be a more valuable tool to a beginner. Flags and motion decoys are great at putting wary eyes at ease.
You will, of course, need a goose call before long. If you’re willing devote time to practise calling, I suggest a short-reed call over a flute style, but many people find the flute more user-friendly.
Lastly, there are decoys. There are many options. First, decide if you’re going to invest in full-bodies, shells, or silhouettes. I feel realism is important, so start out with as many full-bodies as you can afford. But, you also have to consider how you’re going to store and tote these larger decoys. Shells and silhouettes are much lighter and easier to carry into the field. If you decide on shells, get motion stakes for at least some of them. After-market motion stakes and bobbing heads are available at hunting stores and online.
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