Wild Turkey

Big game, small game, upland, or waterfowl, Ontario OUT of DOORS brings you the latest tips and tricks.

Ask a CO: Are detachable magazines allowed when shotgun hunting?

2021-01-21T09:42:21-05:00January 14, 2021|Ask a CO, Big Game, Guns & Gear, Hunting, Small Game, Upland, Waterfowl, Wild Turkey|

Ask a CO takes Ontario OUT of DOORS readers’ questions and utilizes the knowledge of Conservation Officers to find the answers.

Wild turkey diseases in Ontario – what to look for when harvesting turkey

2019-12-16T09:52:47-05:00May 24, 2019|News, Wild Turkey|

As the number of wild turkeys in Ontario continues to increase it brings with it a new question. Are there diseases that could spread and deplete their numbers? So far they proving to be a hardy species.

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