snaring rabbits

Q: Is it legal to snare rabbits in WMU 50, which extends north of Huntsville to South River?

Tim Podwinski, Emsdale

A: Resident holders of a small game licence may use snares to capture varying (snowshoe) hare north of the French and Mattawa rivers. Wildlife Management Unit 50 is located south of the French and Mattawa rivers so snaring hare is not permitted there. However, the holder of a small game licence may trap varying hare, cottontail and European hare using a box trap, cage trap or net anywhere in the province.

Where snares are permitted, the snares must be made of copper or brass wire between 22 and 24 gauge and the snare’s wire loop must be at most 10 cm in diameter. Of course, seasons and limits must be abided by.

ANSWERS BY: David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNR

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Originally published in the Jan.-Feb. 2024 issue of Ontario OUT of DOORS

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