firearm safe

Q: Do guns have to be locked up, or can they be unloaded and left on the rack at a hunt camp?

Jasmin Gallant, Sudbury

A: All firearms must be stored unloaded. In addition, generally they must be rendered inoperable by means of a secure locking device, such as a trigger lock, or by removing the bolt.

Another option would be to lock them in a secure container or room that can’t be broken into easily. Lastly, they need to be kept separate from any ammunition, unless the ammo is also stored securely in a locked container that cannot easily be broken into.

There is an exception for remote wilderness areas that are not subject to any visible or otherwise reasonably known use that is incompatible with hunting; in such cases the gun does not have to be rendered inoperable and the ammunition does not have to be stored separately or securely. Many hunt camps located in the bush would meet this exemption. If your hunt camp is a trailer behind the barn, then it would not meet the exemption and the guns would have to meet all the criteria listed above. It is always the best practice to trigger lock your guns at the end of the day and tidy up ammunition.

ANSWERS BY: Rick Leblanc, Area Enforcement Manager/Thunder Bay, MNRF David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNRF

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Originally published in Ontario OUT of DOORS’ 2023-2024 Hunting Annual 

Ask a CO is also a regular feature in the print edition

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