Q: It is my understanding that hunters cannot wear a backpack over a blaze orange vest because doing so covers the back. In recent years, however, manufacturers have been making fanny or waist packs with shoulder straps for added support. Can that strap go over top of blaze orange, or must it be worn underneath?
Matt Moulder, Windsor
A: The required hunter-orange garment must be visible from all sides. The backpack or waist pack can be worn outside the hunter-orange garment, but if a backpack or waist pack completely obscures the orange garment from being visible on one side, then the wearer must incorporate some hunter orange into the pack cover (or use a smaller pack that doesn’t completely cover the hunter-orange garment). This could be a blaze orange flap, or some other cover that is hunter orange.
– David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNRF
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Originally published in Ontario OUT of DOORS’ 2020 Hunting Annual. Ask a CO is also a regular feature in the print edition.
To the person who was asking about back pack over your hunting vest…here is a solution I have found that takes care of the required Orange covering required as well as being able to take what I need with me on My hunting outings check this link I Added its a great system and very Nice as well.
Look for the Hunters Package Its worth it and Its Made here In Canada were Hunting isnt a Hobby its a Life style for us Canadains.
Can I carry 2 long guns on my front ATV gun rack at the same time (ie) .410 cal for partridge & 308 Cal. for moose.Unloaded of course,some guys say I’m not legal???
Can I carry 2 long guns on my front ATV gun rack at the same time (ie) .410 cal for partridge & a308 Cal for moose.Unloaded of course,some guys say I’m not legal???
If you skin and quarter a moose to haul it from bush in game bags,how do you identify it for gender?