political power - ballot box

Ontario residents are heading to the polls in just under a month (June 12), and some will also be eligible to vote in two of the four federal by-elections set for June 30. It’s time for outdoor lovers to consider where to cast their ballots, or possibly re-examine the platforms of their usual political party.

There are 1.2 million licensed anglers and hunters in Ontario, which is the equivalent to 29% of all voters in the 2011 provincial election.

Here are a couple of resources that might help you determine which party is going to win your vote.

OFAH provincial election questionnaire
The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) has sent this questionnaire to the four main political parties in the provincial election as a means to determine their stances on specific issues that directly impact anglers and hunters in Ontario. The OFAH will post answers as they come in to this website.

Vote compass
This is a 30-question educational tool developed by political scientists. It compiles your answers and determines how your opinions compare to the platforms of each party. It takes about 5 minutes to complete and is fully interactive. It also provides insight into each party’s platform on various social and economical issues.

Elections Ontario
This website offers a concise overview of the Ontario provincial voting process, including when, where and how to vote and political candidates.

No matter which person or party you intent to vote for, make sure you make time to cast your ballot.


Who do you want to be the next Premier?

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