What it is:
A portable, waterproof hard case for all your stuff. Comes in white, tan, and black. It’s not a cooler.
The test:
YETI shipped us the GoBox 30 in spring 2021 and we’ve got more than a year and a half of open-water fishing (plus a few ice outings) on it.
This case has been used as a camera, sonar, and fishing tackle case in my car and on the boat, a seat, a bait carrier, and a dumpbox for all sorts of fishing and hunting junk.
What we think:
At 30 litres, it has enough space to store my essentials. For me, that includes a 7″ Garmin sonar plus 12V battery, two bulky DSLR cameras, my wallet, sunglasses, phone,
and boating paperwork. There’s still space left for fishing tools.
The GoBox has held up remarkably well despite the not-so-gentle handling it has endured on rocky shorelines. It has kept my electronics secure, all in one compact package, so I can take it all from vehicle to boat, or the back of a kayak in one carry. And my electronics are much better protected than in any soft tackle bag out there.
To keep things organized, the GoBox has a centre divider, a pullout caddy, and a zippered pouch under the lid. The whole thing is completely waterproof and floats nicely should it go overboard while sealed.
The YETI GoBox 30 is just the right size to make it easily portable while providing all the space I need for the stuff that’s too expensive to stay unattended on the boat.
The price for a this hard case that’s nearly indestructible is good too. It’s just marginally more expensive than the off brands that don’t carry the YETI badge of quality.
LoadOut GoBox available in threes sizes 15, 30, and 60, from $160.
Originally published in Ontario OUT of DOORS’ 2023 Fishing Annual
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