No boating fee for now
Canadian boaters will eventually have to pay for pleasure craft licences (PCLs), but the OFAH is reminding members that the fees haven't been implemented yet.
Canadian boaters will eventually have to pay for pleasure craft licences (PCLs), but the OFAH is reminding members that the fees haven't been implemented yet.
Complying with provincial and federal rules of the water can seem daunting. Here’s a look at what’s most important for staying safe, and compliant with regulations, on the water.
New boating regulations floated, including expanding pleasure craft licence requirements and modernizing the craft operator training program.
New provincial boating regulations focusing on “Clean, Drain, Dry” principles and practices aiming to reduce the spread of environmentally damaging invasive species come into effect on Jan. 1, 2022.
Boaters and anglers require a pleasure craft licence from Walpole Island First Nations (WIFN) as of June 1, if they want to stop in the south end of the St. Clair River.