black ducks black duck limit Ontario news

Black duck limits will likely be increased this year in parts of Ontario from four to six black ducks per day in the Hudson-James Bay, Northern, and Central Hunting Districts.

In the Southern Hunting District, the daily bag limit would increase from two to six in Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) 60 to 87E and two to three in WMUs 88 to 95.

Season dates will not change. The proposal says, “These changes are consistent with the target harvest rate of American black ducks under the liberal regulatory package as per the International Black Duck Harvest Strategy. Current American black duck hunting regulations in Canada result in a harvest rate much lower than the maximum allowed in the liberal package. This proposal was supported by the Black Duck Adaptive Harvest Management Working Group, Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway Councils as well as provincial stakeholders at the Ontario Waterfowl Advisory Committee meeting in September 2023. Similar increases are also proposed for the Atlantic provinces and Quebec.”

If approved, the amendments to black duck limits would become law in July.

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