family day fishing free weekend fishing free fishing family day weekend

Family Day weekend returns with the opportunity to go fishing anywhere in Ontario without having to purchase a licence or carry an Outdoors Card.

The first of four annual free fishing opportunities aiming to get more people into the outdoors pursuit takes place from Saturday, Feb. 17 to Monday, Feb. 19. Other 2024 licence-free events include Mother’s Day weekend (May 11-12), Father’s Day weekend (June 15-16), and Family Fishing Week from June 29-July 7. 

Check out family fishing events planned across the province or plan your own family event. And get a free digital fishing package by visiting You can also enter to win a $500 fishing prize pack.

“Fishing is a family-friendly activity that is easy to learn and can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities on thousands of lakes and rivers in Ontario,” Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry Graydon Smith stated. “Family Day weekend is a great time to get out with your family and enjoy this fun activity. Just remember to stay safe and fish responsibly.”

Rules still apply

Conservation limits and all other fishing regulations still apply during these times. Canadian residents participating must carry identification issued by the provincial or federal government, showing their name and date of birth.

Outside of free fishing periods, anyone ages 18-64 must have an Outdoors Card and a fishing licence. All veterans and active Canadian Armed Forces members residing in Ontario can enjoy free recreational fishing in the province, whenever and wherever fishing is allowed.

To read the 2024 Fishing Regulations Summary and read up on your own Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ), click here.

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