ela regulations - two people on research boat

The proposed Experimental Lakes Area Research (ELA) Activities Regulations have been published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, and are open for public comment until March 16, 2014.

When finalized later this spring, these regulations will authorize the new operator to continue scientific research at the ELA. Conditions in this new regulatory framework will ensure adherence to sound scientific practices and minimize environmental impacts to provide long-term protection of the lakes.

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Negotiations to establish a new operator for the ELA are ongoing between the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the Canadian government (led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and Ontario government.

“Over the past year, our government has been leading negotiations to secure a new operator for the Experimental Lakes Area in order to continue the valuable scientific work that has been conducted at this facility. We are pleased to provide this update on the steps we’ve reached to ensure a new operator better suited to performing whole-lake experiments will be in place,” said Greg Rickford, minister of state for Science and Technology, and FedNor, and minister responsible for the Ring of Fire. “We remain committed to ensure the transition of the ELA to a new operator by March 31, 2014.”

The ELA is a unique, world-class facility for conducting whole-lake ecosystem experiments and can provide significant contributions to scientific knowledge of freshwater ecosystems.