You are basing your opinion on....??
We know the lefties won't care if there is evidence as usual but....
I'm basing mine on the actual lawyers, the diameter required for a winchoke in their specs and firearm lawyers opinions, opinions that have yet to be defined in the legislation or before a judge.... likely ... it is that they are just incompetent ... again... but given their history of out right bald face lies... let me ask you, until it is defined explicitly in the legislation, why would you trust them?
As for handguns, well Torstar and UNIFOR and others were already calling for their ban.... link is dead, UNIFOR deleted the post.... lots of screen shots I will maybe find one later.
.... we will have a debt of over $260B+ this year .... do you think Justlied and Billy care if it makes $270B or more? They just gave almost $1B to the WHO that spent more time kissing China's tush than putting out facts
Why not look ahead, they are on a tight rope .... a handgun ban would be a good fear mongering tool to get votes... in essence saying "oh look, 60% of the crimes are with handguns.... we are the party that will ban them.... those Conservatives just want to be like Harper and ....*** make up lie here **** )". The assault rifle ban is one of the factors that got them enough support to get the seats to create the coalition for socialism and letting them spend all they can.
Justlied Trudeau and Bill Blair have repeatedly lied, fear monger and misrepresented the laws of Canada over and over, so I will trust the opinions of two lawyers for firearm groups.... the entire legislation is an act of propaganda and distraction to gain support for an election possibly in the next year if the NDP and Bloc see the opportunity. Facing an opposition that is trying to hold them to account while appeasing the Chinese dictatorship, the NDP, the BLOC and look good without a makeup artist.... poor Justlied's beard will be all white by the fall. Reminds, me, the two Michaels are still in prison in China (without trial and charges apparently), it's been over 500 days by far, I wonder how they are doing.
and apparently they are still adding to that list...
P.S. 2 As of 2 wks ago, Michael's still in prison, 500+days... Libs... don't seem to care.