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Thread: Gun buyback* costs ballooning

  1. #1

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    Default Gun buyback* costs ballooning

    The gun buyback* program has already cost $42 million, and not one gun has been bought back yet. The original cost estimate was $8.8 million.
    Last edited by MeghanOOD; June 13th, 2024 at 08:36 AM. Reason: Formatting
    What can I but enumerate old themes,
    First that sea-rider Oisin led by the nose
    Through three enchanted islands, allegorical dreams,
    Vain gaiety, vain battle, vain repose,
    Themes of the embittered heart, or so it seems.
    -- "The Circus Animals’ Desertion" by William Butler Yeats

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    $42M with nothing to show for it and no drop in gun crime by criminals. Typical isn't it?

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Remember the 1990's firearm registration - budget of 2m, final cost 2b. That's where the buyback is heading.

  5. #4
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Still trying to figure out why they keep calling it a "buyback".

    buyback (noun)
    the buying back of goods by the original seller.

    I didn't buy my restricted guns from the government, so this doesn't fit the buyback definition. lol

  6. #5
    Borderline Spammer

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    who would have ever guessed?
    This isn't about guns, its about buying votes. Sure they lose all the gun owner votes, but they already lost all of them, so spend some tax dollars and make the anti crowd happy is a win for the liberals. Just a total loss for tax payers and gun owners.

  7. #6
    Member for Life

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    No point in the buy back .
    My neck of the woods is up a whopping 92% in gun crimes. Or the latest gun grab was a failure like I thought it would have been.

    When you leave the majority of the problem I guess the problem will still be a problem. When you go after the law abiding citizens the majority of the crimes will continue.

    Now add in the deterioration of living standards and boom its a recipe for an increase in crimes.

    Another shooting in Keswick last week in the same location as a year prior. My kids friends were also caught in a shooting a few years back in Keswick.

    When pets kill more Canadians than the ar 15 I think we targeted the wrong priority.

    How's that gun ban going? think it's soon time to ban more as the problem has only gotten worse . Outch.

    Sent from my SM-G975W using Tapatalk

  8. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by MeghanOOD View Post

    The gun buyback* program has already cost $42 million, and not one gun has been bought back yet. The original cost estimate was $8.8 million.

    Yep, it's now Sept 21, 2024 and there is now a new cost figure $67.2 million, still not one gun bought back. It seems to be a Liberal dynamics, they have a program dealing with a problem, but nothing gets done. Meanwhile the money taken in as GST is being used to pay the service charges on the national debit that amounts to $1 million a week or $52 million for the year. They sure do find a ways to collect and spend, but they have a real problem with their delivery.

    You don't stop hunting because you grow old. You grow old because you stop hunting.
    - Gun Nut

  9. #8
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Tall liberal tale to take from legal owners in order to improve public safety-then leave the scumbags roam freely .
    Last edited by gbk; September 21st, 2024 at 05:26 PM.

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