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Thread: Weirdest things You did in Your life

  1. #1
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Default Weirdest things You did in Your life

    Lets have some fun-lets see who did what,fun,scary,sticking out from their life style etc.
    Something which does not go along with Your day to day activities,hobby,work etc.
    Something from the "bucket list "...or else.

    Something,one would say: wow !!!
    Nothing illegal,immoral ,unethical or else though......

    Me-once,way back-i showed high interest in flying Motorized Kite.(Yes-now if you say-GBK go ,fly a kite..........hmmm,you may be onto something).
    Anyhow,it was a novelty way way back.We had these super nice,hight tech motor kites coming available for training,and flying too.
    My Municipality sponsored full blast training-and there i was,learning how to fly a kite.

    I did pass the theoretical exam,and was allowed(among other Club members)to Co pilot-?!- sit beside the Kite Pilot,for the first fly.
    So we did ...and off i went,leaving Mother earth,under quite a steep angle,and being loud as hell.Even the dead would hear our roar.
    It was something else,let me tell you..........The thing was "windy",shaky,jumpy,and loud.My life was "literally"hanging on an 8 mm bolt(holding the undercarriage and the kite together)

    But hey-we made a nice(and pretty scary)big cirle,and landed safely.Thermals play with the kite,and hitting one going up/or down while flying is equal to a small(unexpected )roller coaster

    I can not say i was impressed,but also-was young,and was not overly scared away from flying either.

    Hovewer-things changed in my life,and i had to leave the Club.No more time i could afford for such a pastime.

    Even today-once in a while,i would reminisce about the trip.I wish,we had Smart Phones at that time(did not have even a simple 34 mm film camera)

    Highly recommend to anyone seeking rush,and "refreshing"their appreciation for Mother Earth.
    Last edited by gbk; October 23rd, 2022 at 05:59 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Not sure what my weirdest thing I did but your story reminded me of a time (many years ago) I flew a plane.
    A buddy of mine had his airplane license and needed to fly once a month to keep it current. He would rent a little single engine plane in Brampton and go up once a month. He invited me along one time and that plane was small. I could practically stretch my arms out and touch the other side of it that's how small it was.
    I remember after take off looking at my hands, they were firmly gripped to the side of the seat. Didn't realize how scared I was until I noticed my hands firmly gripping into the seat of that plane.
    Once we were up and flying it wasn't too bad until he asked me to grab the wheel. I set my hands on the wheel and after a second, (thinking I am going to turn and kill us) I gave it right back to him.....
    Boy, was I scared.... No more flying for me
    "Everything is easy when you know how"
    "Meat is not grown in stores"

  4. #3
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    Most people would consider lots of things I do weird. Last time I butchered a cow I ate part of the heart and liver raw. Cooked the rest later, our friends 5 year left refused to eat the venison because she like the funny meat (heart) so much. Also like raw chicken hearts, and very rare stakes. I like eating the heart from animals I’ve harvested, feel like it connects me to my harvest more.
    They say the only good wolf is a dead wolf, If that’s the case than I’ve reformed many a wolf.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by hunter06 View Post
    Most people would consider lots of things I do weird. Last time I butchered a cow I ate part of the heart and liver raw. Cooked the rest later, our friends 5 year left refused to eat the venison because she like the funny meat (heart) so much. Also like raw chicken hearts, and very rare stakes. I like eating the heart from animals I’ve harvested, feel like it connects me to my harvest more.
    By today's standards, that would qualify as weird? A lot of first nations and Inuit folks eat things we would gag at. But their civilisation have survived for a millenia?

  6. #5
    Leads by example

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    Maybe not weird, more like unique. A long time ago one of my first full time jobs was selling electrical supplies and the CN Tower was one of my customers. The Plant Engineer took me on a tour that the general public would never get. The microwave transmitters were shut down for maintenance, so we were able to go on the roof of the CN Tower. I was told if the transmitters were on we would only last about ten minutes until suffering burns. Another time he took me inside the tower, seems it turned out to be hallow. By using the elevator that goes to the restaurant/observation deck he had the operator stop just below it and we went through a door/portal onto a catwalk inside the tower. I nearly crapped my pants because it wasn't a big door to go through and you had to bend over a bit and step onto the expanded steel walkway that circled the inside of the tower. He was a nice guy and bought me a couple of scotches up in the restaurant after that.
    Good Luck & Good Hunting !

  7. #6

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    I'll have to have a think on this. I had curried cow brains once, that comes to mind.
    What can I but enumerate old themes,
    First that sea-rider Oisin led by the nose
    Through three enchanted islands, allegorical dreams,
    Vain gaiety, vain battle, vain repose,
    Themes of the embittered heart, or so it seems.
    -- "The Circus Animals’ Desertion" by William Butler Yeats

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