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Thread: Firewood measurement: how much wood is this...

  1. #11
    Leads by example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pat32rf View Post
    Legally, what you bought is 1/2 cord. 4'x4'x8' in volume is a full cord, the only legal firewood measurement in Ontario....
    A face cord is 8'x4'x 10" or 12" or 14" or 16" or whatever the seller feels like....
    This is the correct answer for Ontario.
    The only definition of a cord is 4' X 4' X 8'.
    Legally in Ontario there is no such a measure as a face cord.

    Living proof that "beer builds better bellies".

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  3. #12
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    You got 1/2 of a full cord, or "bush" cord as it's often called. A full cord is worth $275 delivered where I live , and that's high BTU premium hardwood (hard maple, American beech, bitternut hickory, rock elm, ironwood). If the load is full of red maple, white birch, mixed conifer, white elm, then it's worth less than this.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenelon View Post
    You got 1/2 of a full cord, or "bush" cord as it's often called. A full cord is worth $275 delivered where I live , and that's high BTU premium hardwood (hard maple, American beech, bitternut hickory, rock elm, ironwood). If the load is full of red maple, white birch, mixed conifer, white elm, then it's worth less than this.
    here a full cord is 450ish delivered

  5. #14
    Elite Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by Splaker View Post
    here a full cord is 450ish delivered
    That sure is pricey. Around here its $300-$325 max.

    Off topic some, but I have been buying logs for the last 10+ years. I'm a huge fan of red oak, and I specifically look for at least 75% in my loads. Not fond of maple at all, as it leaves too much charcoal.
    I found a new to me vendor this year who will be bringing me a load of pure red oak prime logs for $1200. Up to 8 full cord, as he has the highest racks allowed and guaranteed me straight base logs. So at best I pay around $150 and I get to cut and split it to my own specs, which is primarily 14" and on the smaller side as my stove is not large, but is very efficient with secondary combustion.

    It's also the best exercise I get all year lol, so that's a bonus.


  6. #15
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by smitty55 View Post
    That sure is pricey. Around here its $300-$325 max.

    Off topic some, but I have been buying logs for the last 10+ years. I'm a huge fan of red oak, and I specifically look for at least 75% in my loads. Not fond of maple at all, as it leaves too much charcoal.
    I found a new to me vendor this year who will be bringing me a load of pure red oak prime logs for $1200. Up to 8 full cord, as he has the highest racks allowed and guaranteed me straight base logs. So at best I pay around $150 and I get to cut and split it to my own specs, which is primarily 14" and on the smaller side as my stove is not large, but is very efficient with secondary combustion.

    It's also the best exercise I get all year lol, so that's a bonus.

    That's a good price for oak...if you were closer I'd ask to buy some of you..

    I wonder if it's worth to drive out of the GTA with a trailer and pick some up...

  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splaker View Post
    That's a good price for oak...if you were closer I'd ask to buy some of you..

    I wonder if it's worth to drive out of the GTA with a trailer and pick some up...
    Where are you located?

    If you have a truck and trailer, and know how to run a saw, there are lots of great deals. $425 is robbery!!! I'm paying $150 for a bush cord and a half, in logs, and I cut and split on the guys property. Best set up I've found. We show up with 2 trucks, 2 trailers, splitter and saws, and in an afternoon we have 3 bush cords at home stacked. Mostly red oak, some maple, ash, ironwood and cherry. All cut 2 years ago, so most is ready to burn. I like to let the oak sit an extra season, but it will burn now too if I need it.

    I have 2 cords in my basement ready to go, and 3 more stacked outside ready to burn, and next years stack is almost done too. I enjoy doing firewood, great exrecise, and its satisfying to see the pile grow.


  8. #17
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Luckily my buddy has a few acres now where we can take some trees down ourselves... but we just started tis year so our wood is green. Just got some now b/c we need to burn this season! '

    In future, I might just wrestled up a trailer and get some u north then split ourselves..

  9. #18
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    Anyone that said 1/2 a bush cord is correct.

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