June 19th, 2016, 03:16 AM
Lake herridge lodge temagami
Back to the same old outfitter story. They seem to feel a never ending need to lie lie lie. The wife and I just returned. I know fishing and hunting are not called shopping for a reason, BUT. Why lie about the basics? Like why tell me we go to this lake and that lake only to tell me you've never heard of them once I get up there?Like why tell me I can use boats on 5 lakes when it's only 2. etc etc etc , and like I said 2 fish caught on the main lake the whole time we were there and buddy with his $1300 dollar fish finder only getting 5-6 hits each day is a grey arguable area. But I'm not there for the white meat fish so the whole lack of pickerel, bass ain't bugging me. Gives us this guide (WE MUST GO WITH) He's the trout guru, and. All the way in he talks like he's not at all stupid so I'm inspired. We miss day one of four, he don't want to go. Day two we go but he calls it half way through (not enough gas). Day three I'm alone but HAVE to call it as motor starts to pack it in. How are my remote 4 days looking by now? The owner says it's my fault cause I didn't go in on day four. Honestly by then I had lost my pizzazz oddly enough. So if you want to go and hear all the trucks roar by which you'll be told b4 hand they DO NOT hear, and near to NO FISH, but pretty OK meals. Oh the beaut part is, Oh you'll love this. I as some here will know of me, take things into my own hands and get me and mom into a couple. Dan at Herridge pics the crap out of them and posts on FB as "CAUGHT ON HERRIDGE TODAY". He's balsy if nothing else.
Here's the real version of where they were caughtIMG_0163.jpg
Last edited by standup; June 19th, 2016 at 03:18 AM.
June 19th, 2016 03:16 AM
June 21st, 2016, 08:07 AM
Hey Standup; I'm now back in N.Bay area but last year lived beside Lake Herridge….NEVER once heard anything good about the place, but maybe I didn't talk to the right people(???). They have 4 bear BMA's but no bears taken in 2015…There's more of course I've seen but you lived it, if your going to advertise a product/experience you better deliver….I know they are going after the ATV crowds big time as they have unofficially cut new trails on crown land.
June 21st, 2016, 08:21 AM
And the GTA'r wanting the shore lunch bling. God they ham that up