May 7th, 2016, 06:56 PM
I will "hazard " a guess most pipelines have been shut or cut down . as the producer's can't get the diluetent that is needed to make the heavy oil flow ? I see Fort mac as the absolute vitale hub to the oil sand's. where everything the producer's need either get's flowen into or is staged ? waiting delivery. Shipping from edmonton is null and void Where do you think the supplies be it food to heavy equipment come's from or through?? I lived in whitehorse for 5 year's every part we needed came from vancouver or lucky if edmonton had it? Still 2 day's out !
May 7th, 2016 06:56 PM
May 7th, 2016, 07:36 PM
I could ask him. He's a shift supervisor, master electrician. His area of knowledge is r would be the construction end. Not sure if he's basing his guesses on the various camps absorbing people or what. But he figures days to a week before water/food for all the crews becomes an issue, and after that everything else for operations. His suspicician is that the company he works for will shut down all current projects for Atleast a year.
May 7th, 2016, 07:57 PM
I've done a few recoveries, primarily refineries and chemical with a city or two also.
Generally had the connections to get large generators in to supply the city and parts/ labor to get the city's utilities and sewage system up along with essentials for the police from water to comms.
Then massive camps for contractors to live in to help the recovery effort both with the cities and the process areas.
It's the right thing to do, purchases good will and contributes to the good neighbour philosopy for our company. It is also immediate even before cities and gov. can react. Also less paperwork and less state/federal bureaucratic malaise.
All this should be on Ralph's radar.........
May 9th, 2016, 05:01 PM
The....ah.... latest... ah...if...ah...you..ah...can..uh, believe it.
man oh man someone better hope the west doesn't think like his dad he's hanging them out to dry, and doesn't much care if Fort Mac and the oil sands go up in flames.
May 10th, 2016, 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by
The....ah.... latest... ah...if...ah...you..ah...can..uh, believe it.
man oh man someone better hope the west doesn't think like his dad he's hanging them out to dry, and doesn't much care if Fort Mac and the oil sands go up in flames.
Justeen is a no substance, no brains, buffoon. He does not give a rat's booty about Alberta. They didn't vote for him. He had a real good talk with odumbo...as odumbo did the same with the South.
Justeen appears to only care about his "big shot" big spending attitude away from home.
So much for he and the liberals on their sacred environment. There's likely more pollution and particulates generated with his ignoring this fire than many manufacturing facilities could generate in decades.
I looked back, it's been over 100 years since the US let a fire get as near a city.
What an amateur. Justeen needs to quite acting like a Rap Star, or be run out of office.
May 10th, 2016, 10:39 AM
The fantastic news is that much of the city is still intact,although utilities will be down for a couple of weeks. The part that isn't is a bulldoze/rebuild project. Hopefully,the insurance companies and the Feds step up to the plate without the usual skullduggery of obfuscation of claims and merely paying lip service with photo-ops,then,do nothing.
May 10th, 2016, 10:52 AM
If it's declared a state of emergency does this not reduce the impact on the insurance companies? Had a good friend lose a trailer in a flood and it was declared a state of emergency and insurance was not required to pay out?
Someone with more knowledge please chime in
"I may not have gone where I was supposed to go, but I ended up where I was supposed to be"
May 11th, 2016, 05:05 AM
Can only assume given media reports about the price tags adding up is that no. A State of emergency won't be a get out of jail free card.
Meaning, if there are loop holes or contigencys (acts of god type stuff you hear about) that might allows insurance companies and underwriters off the hook, the people analyzing that stuff and reporting on it. Wouldn't be forecasting crippling cost.
Read yesterday Intact Insurance is taking a 1 billion write down, or something a long those lines.
Last edited by JBen; May 11th, 2016 at 05:07 AM.
May 11th, 2016, 09:31 AM
Earnings reported by State Farm after Katrina were the highest in company history even after the massive payouts.
Insurance is not based on any real risk anymore. It's simply government mandated public fleecing just like the purpose of government.