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Thread: NEW !!! permit required for seasonal docks

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default NEW !!! permit required for seasonal docks

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  3. #2
    Member for Life

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    I don't think this is "new"? When I built my camp 25 years ago, I had to get a work permit from the MNR to place a dock. Had to provide a basic drawing to show them what I planned and filled out the application. Waited about a week for someone to go over it and then rec'd approval and issued the permit. This was for a simple floating dock tied to shore. I guess the theory behind it, is they don't want the shoreline disturbed? Mine was attached to a bald rock slope, with rope out to 2 pine trees to secure it.

  4. #3
    Just starting out

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    Bushmoose is correct. Just good marketing strategy to draw people to Boatsmart ad.

  5. #4
    Member for Life

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    Nothing new at all , permits to build any type of dock , attached or floating always had to be obtained from the MNR, or the Conservation Authority for that area , unless it was on a smaller inland lake.

  6. #5
    Member for Life

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    I have two floaters, each about 8x16. They move around my swampy shoreline but no one at the MNR has ever had an answer about permits. We are the only dock on the lake and only people in sight of the water, at least on our side of the road.

  7. #6
    Member for Life

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    My family has been putting in a seasonal floating dock on a smallish Muskoka lake for over 40 years and we never heard of a permit for such a thing. For shoreline boathouses yes I am aware of that but not the docks. Talking with some neighbors and it's the firzt they heard of it as well.

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