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Thread: Making Venison Jerky - Looking for feedback.

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    I've made venison, beef and waterfowl jerky. I use the high mountain kits from Canadian tire and they taste and cure great. Experimenting on the curing process can waste meat and can be dangerous.
    it is easier to slice when still a bit frozen, a meat slicer would be awesome!

    ive used my oven, and a propane smoker. I find the oven easiest to regulate temperature.
    I would suggest trying some small batches with a kit in your oven and than you can do more once you get the hang of it and want to branch out and do different things.
    good luck! Remember food safety is key, and even with properly cured jerky, I still freeze it to make sure.
    My name is BOWJ..... and I am a waterfowl addict!

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Thanks for all the feedback. Based on the comments I'll try some type of marinade and the oven and save my $$ for now.
    The wilderness is not a stadium where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, it is the cathedral where I worship.

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