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Thread: friends of the Ontario Liberals are rewarded again...

  1. #11
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    Get over it guys. They're stealing money, lots of it, we know that.
    They've also created a mofia empire ... lined themselves up with key companies, unions, etc. and the money is flowing.
    They know they can break the law and nothing will happen.

    I'm actually sick of hearing people complain about it. It's happening, there's major corruption and no one is doing anything about it.

    Unless you take a stand (and I don't mean write your opinion in a blog), as in take a stand that will change things, then I would honestly just stop blowing hot air.

    To ignore it is to endorse it and sadly many are, they have enough power and influence now even when it is obvious to anyone with a brain they are guilty and then there are charges they quietly get dropped later. Unions, some reserve chiefs, courts, police... integrity and honesty have been relegated to something to laugh at by the Liberals and the NDP too when you look at Alberta.

    In the mean time I think I will try stick up to my name and try to keep the Libs awake... maybe they might think about the future, about responsibility and honesty and heck even their kids etc. someday.

    "If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito." Betty Reese
    Last edited by mosquito; May 3rd, 2016 at 02:12 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Elite Member

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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    To ignore it is to endorse it and sadly many are, they have enough power and influence now even when it is obvious to anyone with a brain they are guilty and then there are charges they quietly get dropped later. Unions, some reserve chiefs, courts, police... integrity and honesty have been relegated to something to laugh at by the Liberals and the NDP too when you look at Alberta.

    In the mean time I think I will try stick up to my name and try to keep the Libs awake... maybe they might think about the future, about responsibility and honesty and heck even their kids etc. someday.

    "If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito." Betty Reese
    Oh, I never said to ignore it ... in fact I said quite the opposite.
    I said stop blowing hot air that's going to do NOTHING about it, and rather do something that will lead to real change.

  4. #13
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkB View Post
    Oh, I never said to ignore it ... in fact I said quite the opposite.
    I said stop blowing hot air that's going to do NOTHING about it, and rather do something that will lead to real change.
    I have said that as well MarkB on other Liberal threads.

  5. #14
    Member for Life

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    I suppose then the Sun, Nat and Fin Post, GM and even lately the Star/CBC should likewise stop whinging and blowing hot air?

    It's not rocket science, if you are tired of the public whinging here, on FB, everywhere. Don't shoot the messengers. Maybe, if there weren't so god damned many things "wrong", and its non stop, there wouldn't be so much bad press and whinging in the press, and thus on FB, and here.

    Makes me chuckle, your blaming people who have every right to be upset...when....
    Curious has anyone said the press should stop whinging about them?

    Theres only so much people can actually do, and the fact is one of the best things people can do is air it. Whenever, what ever. I suppose the media accomplishes nothing?

    If you don't like hearing it, do something about it yourselves...Get active, and vote them out. Then and only then will it die down. Bottom line there no one to "blame" but....Those who didn't
    Last edited by JBen; May 4th, 2016 at 07:33 PM.

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