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Thread: Liberals calling out the Catholic Church

  1. #1
    Borderline Spammer

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    Default Liberals calling out the Catholic Church

    Why is the Catholic Church not paying their debt ?

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
    Elite Member

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    Confiscate their schools! Lol
    Heeere fishy fishy fishy fishy! :fish:

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    My guess is liberal research has decided that Catholics will be outnumbered demographically next election so under the Bus they go. Not that they weren't part of the problem but the government was equally responsible.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  5. #4
    Member for Life

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    So,the Minister expects individual Roman Catholics to "pony up"? The lady is dreaming in technicolor. Agreements were made in good faith with the government. Just because she doesn't happen to like it doesn't mean the government can weasel out,now,and stick it to individuals. She would do well to tread very lightly with any threats to eliminate tax status or sieze property,lest the same be required of Sikhs,Hindus,Anglicans, can see where this would go. Any politician even suggesting any such thing is absolutely certifiably NUTS!

  6. #5
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Well given the current government in power federally and provincially they are all nuts ! Nothing surprises me anymore.

  7. #6
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by yellow dog View Post
    Well given the current government in power federally and provincially they are all nuts ! Nothing surprises me anymore.
    The courts made a decision and now they want to change it after the fact... how Liberal of them.

    Just tell Justin to quit traveling for a week or two and use that money. He apparently took about 80 security people with him as well as only Vice media (excluded all others) so if he had just taken say 10 security .... or how about instead of the $4,000,000,000 he handed out around the world he 10X what the Catholic church owed and get those that need it some proper support, how about more even..after all say... $20,000,000 is chump change to be spread around to them right now.

  8. #7
    Elite Member

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    What court or law has jurisdiction over the Liberals? I have yet to find one that they feel they need to abide by.

  9. #8
    Has all the answers

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    The transitional govm't let the RCs off the hook for a previous court decision saving the Catholics millions. This happened supposedly because of a misscommunication. Ya Right! The Catholics who were the actual persons abusing these children could have paid the 25 million without noticing it in their stashed billions.
    But being slippery and corrupt is part of their DNA. (I'm speaking of ruling hierachy)
    Last edited by Roper; May 4th, 2016 at 03:11 PM.

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