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Thread: Hydro 1

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    All their damn initiatives... money saving coupons for energy star
    insulating blanket for water heater
    power bar with timer
    outdoor timers
    ceiling fans
    LED light bulbs
    even an umbrella style clothes line

    However much money you save on a one time purchase of any of the
    above, Hydro One will increase the amount by 50% and add it to your
    bill every month
    I went to the Hydro One web site for an explanation of the Regulatory

    < Quote>
    Regulatory Charges : Regulatory charges are the costs of administering
    the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of
    the provincial grid and include the costs associated with funding
    Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure conservation and renewable
    energy programs.
    < End Quote>

    If I read it right, it includes the cost of energy conservation
    In other words, the cost of producing those energy saving coupons is
    one of the things they tack onto our bills.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Quote Originally Posted by jaycee View Post
    All their damn initiatives... money saving coupons for energy star
    insulating blanket for water heater
    power bar with timer
    outdoor timers
    ceiling fans
    LED light bulbs
    even an umbrella style clothes line

    However much money you save on a one time purchase of any of the
    above, Hydro One will increase the amount by 50% and add it to your
    bill every month
    I went to the Hydro One web site for an explanation of the Regulatory

    < Quote>
    Regulatory Charges : Regulatory charges are the costs of administering
    the wholesale electricity system and maintaining the reliability of
    the provincial grid and include the costs associated with funding
    Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure conservation and renewable
    energy programs.
    < End Quote>

    If I read it right, it includes the cost of energy conservation
    In other words, the cost of producing those energy saving coupons is
    one of the things they tack onto our bills.
    Yes you have read it right about the extra charges on top for the energy conservation programs including the FITT and MICRO FITT program. You know those people such as farmers with the solar panels being paid for the next 20 years for producing electricity and putting back in the grid. Were all paying for that ! Thank a farmer . I think not! . Same deal with Wynne farms !
    Last edited by yellow dog; April 18th, 2016 at 05:15 PM.

  4. #13
    Member for Life

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    Do everything we can to conserve power as we're told by Hydro One then get billed higher because we conserved too much power.

    I wish they wouldnt even tell us a reason. Just say "Your bill went up. Deal with it"

  5. #14
    Member for Life

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    Farmers are only taking advantage of all the money being thrown at them by hydro, same as the pensions offered to their workers. It's the people in the office that come up with these " deals" that should be let go. Problem is that they are all legal contracts and must be honoured, including my Favorite, the CEO who was FIRED and now gets over $1000/day, seven days a week, for the rest of her life!

    The money that is spent on equipment is also beyond belief.

  6. #15
    Member for Life

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    It is time for a complete overhaul at Hydro One , they are overloaded with too many supervisors and on up , making too much money for what they are doing, it has gone completely out of hand with no end to all their B.S. being seen .

  7. #16
    Just starting out

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    I saw a few days ago, some people shut their power off for the winter at a cottage, and were still dinged about 100 a month for other fees. Something is wrong!!! Oh wait we have elected a wonderful person for a premier who is really into ladies, and a prime minister who besides paying off unions has only succeeded in taking a surplus and making it a debt, but they all have nice hair, and the women are gorgeous!!!!!

  8. #17

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Phoenix View Post
    I saw a few days ago, some people shut their power off for the winter at a cottage, and were still dinged about 100 a month for other fees. Something is wrong!!!
    Here's Patrick Brown TRYING to get an answer for such hydro bills.
    A trophy is in the eye of the bow holder

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