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Thread: Interesting.

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Interesting.

    Curious timing giving all the accusations, and um heat she, and they are taking.

    She also promises new rules on so-called third party advertising, which allowed unions to join forces in the past few Ontario elections to outspend all the political parties with attack ads that targeted the Progressive Conservatives.
    No, really? Just a slight advantage to their friends, who also happen to control the purse strings.

    Wynne says some of the changes will be in place before the next election in 2018, but “probably not” all of I guess can guess which ones wont........ because there have to be a transition period to allow political parties time to adjust to the new rules.
    A) Why?
    B) 2.5 years insnt enough?
    C) Or know your deep trouble, have screwed things so badly and only your friends might change it? Buy you another win?
    Last edited by JBen; March 29th, 2016 at 01:19 PM.

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