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Thread: Liberal math - Net zero = $300 million

  1. #1
    Member for Life

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    Default Liberal math - Net zero = $300 million

    I give up! What an arrogant clueless bunch that are throwing money away by the bucket full to buy votes.
    Last edited by impact; March 23rd, 2016 at 06:38 AM. Reason: grammar

  2. # ADS

  3. #2
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    Should be moved to the politics forum.

    Couple thoughts
    As a group teachers are certainly the new class of haves. Among, if not the highest paid educators in North America. When you annualize their salaries, it just makes things look more out of whack. We all know the nature of the relationship between their Unions and this admin. Meanwhile, the working stiffs in private, and even many of their own ( Young teachers who can't get on full-time, EA's, custodians, etc, etc)............

    /points at the growing animosity towards them

    To tell the truth, if consolidating all the various plans under one umbrella results in savings over the long term and it should at the least mean fewer administrators, pencil pushers.......

    /shame that in order to save a few hundred million ( new raises will cost 500mm) they threw people who don't have it as good under the bus.

    Imo, they could (read that again....could...) probably afford to reduce salaries and benefits ( in a few possible ways be that capping salary bands, or contributing more themselves to their own pension, etc, etc) at the high ends. A good friend is a teacher with almost 20 years now. She knows it, feels yup....

    Will never happen
    Last edited by JBen; March 23rd, 2016 at 06:24 AM.

  4. #3
    Member for Life

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    Does this mean Wynne didn't tell us the truth? Can progressives do that?
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

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