March 16th, 2016, 05:24 PM
I know G. Am able to do math. My words were "almost" 100%. If I measure over 3Oyrs assuming no significant changes. My base salary might be just over 70%. Last I checked many get "raises" simply for years of service....and raises when contracts get renewed as well (cost of living). Quite often (not always) quite a bit more than inflation.See OPP? Some will get raises now because arbitration....see also some others.
Please don't take offence, because none is intended.
1) "happy" yours increased that much. See my thoughts on PS salaries just a few post up.
2) while not "certain", pretty sure I have many more designations. Have spent many more years. In fact by law I'm required to do certain amounts every 3 years. I'm 52 and still...doesn't earn me 1 more penny, nor do I get "PD" days (see the wink)
3) happy you weren't laid off 2 or 3 times. A number of people I work with, this isn't their first rodeo either.
btw, do remember Nortel? Don't think I've ever heard of any PS being shown the door after 10-30 years and do so with nothing. Life happens and it isn't always fair...
4) are or were you paid overtime? No-one in my shop is.
5) you have a pension.....no one in my shop does.
The "point" is/was, the grass isn't always greener. When I took my present job, the "deal" or contract was.
Base and Bonus. Some years bonuses were very good. Some years "meh". A risk we all took. When our company didn't do so well, neither did we. Looks at your employers. How's the province doing these days?
/checks to see how many willingly accepted 20-30-40% haircuts. can also say our swinging dicks as we call them took massive "cuts".
its kept everyone employed.
Not complaining about it.
Like Fatri said earlier a little sick of the grass is greener stuff. It appeared perhaps I'm wrong "you" we're saying how tough/unfair your career was.
Back to the province.
the god awful mess
the very real problems
300b debt
exploding cost
things like GPs, Nurses, COs,
economic growth of 1.5%
and little guys be they private or public getting hammered.
funny never really see or hear the unions coming to the table and saying.....
March 16th, 2016 05:24 PM
March 16th, 2016, 05:38 PM
Neither do I see big business coming to their employees when they have a great year, handing out extra cash ( to the CEO they do). Nooooo the big banks etc. outsource ,or bring in foreign workers to reap more profits, then tell their workers they are lucky to have a job. CIBC a couple of years ago gave an almost 10 million $ bonus to the CEO. They have 1000 branches in Canada that would work out to $10,000.00 a branch if they were to distribute it amongst the employees. Do you think the economy would be helped more by giving money to each employee of the branches, or that 10 mill going into an offshore account where taxes are avoided?
Last edited by fishermccann; March 16th, 2016 at 05:58 PM.
March 16th, 2016, 05:56 PM
Are you really that naive? Really understand how little the world works?
first off. I just told you G. Many of us took 40% haircuts. Point me to one person at your company who has. Many don't get OT (gee Gord, if they work hard and have a good year...ok with you if they/we get bonuses. Many don't have pensions either.
We prefer to work under the assumption, that if we do well...you prefer the safety of knowing no matter how things go....do you think we are the only ones???????????????
while I do agree the CEOs or swing dinks as we call them. Make stupid amounts. Won't argue perhaps too much.
look at the sunshine list. There are many who make a million or close. Last I checked a CEO of a TD bank is responsible for way, way, way more than a hospital chair or hydro CEO. How many people are employed by TD...how many different divisions, entities, and more...Last I checked the guy in charge of the pan am games for huge dollars for "coming in on budget"
/golf clap.
And God forbid, if TD bank ever blows up the way your company has. If the CEO ever comes under criminal investigations....1) the damage is far greater...2) heads roll...see our company. I think the CEOs of TD while arguably overpaid....are responsible for far far more, and hence....
/looks towards QP
if you don't like the way TD bank operates, DONT BANK there. Wish I had that choice.
Last edited by JBen; March 16th, 2016 at 06:06 PM.
March 16th, 2016, 06:07 PM
The world works that way because the 1% say it should. Keep us 99% fighting over the scraps. Why do we put up with it?
March 16th, 2016, 06:14 PM
You are a lost cause.
Ok Gord heres one for you, I have to be careful for legal reasons.
Our entire company is toast for allegations of things that transpired by a few in Germany. Not one head, not two heads, everyone....
How many "allegations" against your company?
How many abuses and how much waste?
How many COPS, proving guilty of some pretty serious things...Still collecting...
And who is standing in the way of changing that? Unions.
Get a grip Gord.
You whine about the wealthy yet fail to see your bosses, your company, your champions of the working class (most Unions) is really little different. The scales might be a little different but thats semantics.
Last edited by JBen; March 16th, 2016 at 06:20 PM.
March 16th, 2016, 06:33 PM
I have no company , I was and am, a working stiff who happened into a job in the PS. I have no axe to grind, or any hidden agenda, like most on here, I showed up to work each day, did my job, and went home at night. I do not think any union member is part of that 1%. I just don't want people to hate or judge me because of who signed my checks. Because ....there but for the grace of .......
Last edited by fishermccann; March 16th, 2016 at 06:37 PM.
March 16th, 2016, 07:09 PM
Just back to this for 1 min because I like you.
"don't understand how the world works". Was probably too harsh, but what's meant by that.
who do you think CEOs answer to?
who do you think approves their compensation packages?
and more?
the rest stands as worded.
/sarcasm on
at least those of us don't work with, support or condone waste, abuses and more. We walk the talk G, Our entire company, everyone...
can you say the same?
nope (see the Unions, QP etc)
/sarcasm off.
Last edited by JBen; March 16th, 2016 at 08:26 PM.
March 16th, 2016, 07:55 PM
Anyone that works in the PS or collects a PS pension has no business talking about big business and 1%ers keeing the working man down. The lifestyle that the PS workers have is built on the backs of the taxpayers. The unsustainable PS pay and pension scheme currently in place is the real enemy of the poor and working class not big business or successful people (1%ers). The ever increasing taxes required to pay PS pensions and wages is what will continue to keep the other working people down.
March 16th, 2016, 10:07 PM
Finally back home.
yep, there but for the grace of God..
Not that I'd want to, as I wouldn't. Straight up. Willing to trade places with me or any of my colleagues?
"walk a mile"
Another of my favorites. No doubt there are many who shall we say harbour quite a bit of animosity towards "ps" these days.
Try their shoes imo.
oh and G, while I know they aren't you. Want to know who sits on our board and calls shots? Who our swinging dinks have to make happy? Who they answer to?
Ontario Teachers.
/looks towards QP and um...no nada despite oh so much.
/looks towards Unions and um....
/looks towards cops who collects hundreds of thousands despite...for years despite...
/looks towards the OPP and years investigating their bosses. "No evidence of wrong doing"...oops crap the publics heard the tapes..."we think there might be"
curious how many heads have rolled G
OSFI? Our "OPP"? All over things like stink as they should be, as it should be.
please G. In the future....
and one day hopefully you will understand they are all the same. The "1%" you whine so much about, politicians, your Unions. It's about power and money. A rose by any other name, still stinks.
Last edited by JBen; March 16th, 2016 at 10:14 PM.
March 17th, 2016, 07:43 AM
Lest the above be a little ambiguous.
Over the years, I have been accused of "pension envy", being a "Green Grasser", and more when it comes to certain things pertaining to QP, and "PS"..(think about those words public service). In other threads relating to police misconduct (Sammy Yatim being the most recent) some cops here have told me to get off my high horse because of my stance as on "the Public Trust".
Its not "your money" Gord, or some others. It's the publics. Their hard earned money which they are taxed and which turn goes towards many things. And yes, you do earn your paycheck (or did) and you do work for someone.
Has this admin been good stewards of the public purse? You know the "peons"
How many scandals blowing billions?
How many Investigations now?
how debt is there? Credit downgrades? Call that being good stewards?
Their fiscal policies (which includes budgeting) where they spend how much?
Hydro? selling crown assets
So much
The Unions?
"bribes" as Werner called them.
How many millions spent electing them?
more I might say
/how many heads have rolled
the G20?
this admin still in power?
More I might say.
How much trust does the public have in this admin
how much trust in the Unions these days.
how much trust in Leo, the OPP?
more I might say.
Those CEOs who earn stupid amounts G? Well they to are responsible not only for tens of thousands of employees and more different types of business than you or I can imagine, are also responsible for the publics money. "Your" money. Whether you deposit $ at branches, take mortgages, invest with them, have insurance through them, much much more.
or are a share holder. Who do they answer to? You.
Think about that and the "millions" they earn
dare say the CEO of TD and the others have done far better jobs in their duties than many of the above.
"We" at least ( I'll leave for readers to interpret who I mean) believe in
the public trust, accountability and much more. Those at QP, those that support them, and more?
Not so much...
remember whose $ it is. Look around at what things are doing to "the little guys".
that link above was from October. This was February
Last edited by JBen; March 17th, 2016 at 08:38 AM.