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Thread: Firearms mandatory marking delayed

  1. #11
    Needs a new keyboard

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    Quote Originally Posted by Waftrudnir View Post
    ...and what about if you travel with your firearms frequently; would it then apply retrospectively?
    If yes, you may wonder why you need to accept a depreciation of your property to maintain your right to freely leaf and enter Canada.
    If not, then how does it make sense if I don't need the "CA" in front of the number to identify that it is my firearm.
    No matter how far left anyone is, to support the UN marking requirement requires one to be brain-dead. Let's see how JT et alia get their neck out of this one; governing is a bit more difficult than campaigning
    Just for the record, I think the regulations are pointless. Unfortunately, since the regulations are already passed, and we now have a government that appears willing to implement them, I think we are stuck with them.

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  3. #12
    Has too much time on their hands

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    2186 Getting Ready To Puke

    Cuklier, gun control and gun grabbers.... in the news again.... my bets Bernardo out of CFAC... Cuklier in.
    Justin Trudeau has said he wants more gun control - he wants hand guns and assault weapons off our streets though I’m not aware of this being an out of control problem.

    The gun crime problem we do have in this country is primarily with criminals and gangs shooting up neighbourhoods. They also happen to be the kind of people who don’t and won’t register their guns.

    Yes, there are more restricted handguns in Canada yet gun crimes have been going down.

    Bill Blair (former Chief of Toronto Police and now a Liberal MP) said when the long gun registry was abolished, there would be “blood in the streets”. Except, there wasn’t.

    Sadly, hard facts aren’t going to be what drives this policy decision but rather, worldview. This is all about taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens because, well, the government doesn’t trust the average citizen.

    Elections have consequences and the result of the last election is that this new government thinks you shouldn’t have guns and it seems clear that soon they’ll be acting on enforcing that soon.
    The number of restricted firearms across Canada rose more than 82 per cent while Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in power, with the sharpest increase after the Conservatives formed a majority government

    Wendy Cukier, president of the Coalition for Gun Control, says the big increase in the number of restricted firearms across Canada is cause for concern.

    “At that rate, by 2020 we’ll have doubled the number of restricted weapons in this country than we had in 2009,” Cukier said. “That signals some real issues around licensing and screening practices and how rigorously the requirement that somebody demonstrate a legitimate need for having a restricted (weapon) — how rigorously that provision is being enforced.”
    Cukier, however, says the opposite is true. Over the years, as new firearms hit the market, the Harper government didn’t update the orders-in-council necessary to declare new models restricted, she says

    * orders-in-council - how the Liberals reclassified alot of firearms

    The RCMP have been arguing that there are a number of firearms that are currently sold as unrestricted weapons or restricted weapons that in fact should be prohibited…because they have the features of military assault weapons or were selling sniper rifles as unrestricted weapons because the orders-in-council lists have not been updated for a very long time.”

    “We would argue quite the contrary – there are more guns that should be classified as restricted and prohibited.”

    Cukier also questions whether proper checks are being done before allowing people to buy restricted guns.

    You’re supposed to have to demonstrate that you need it for your livelihood, typically police and security guards (or) that you are a collector and you have a bona fide collection and you can demonstrate knowledge and expertise that suggests that it is a collection and not just a stockpile (or) you’re a member in good standing of a gun club.”

    “Those are the three reasons why you are supposed to have access to a restricted weapon and there is supposed to be a fair amount of rigor applied in ensuring that the criteria that were set out are met.”

    Cukier said her group would like to see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government repeal Bill C-42, which was passed by the Conservatives, saying it eroded controls on firearms. The coalition also wants the government to upgrade the list of firearms to include those they believe qualify as military style assault weapons, and increase rigour in the licensing process and reintroduce controls on the sales of firearms such as the requirement for stores to keep a record of guns they have sold.
    “In 1989 they at least had a written record of who bought the Ruger mini 14 that was used at Polytechnique so there is a huge vacuum in the tracking of gun sales which means that we are no longer in compliance with our international obligations to help combat the illegal gun trade.”

    Blaming Harper, orders in council, Cuklier... ignoring the fact they are legal owners, crime is declining etc.... sniper rifle.... there goes my wish list...
    (but I did kinda want a Pedersolli with a sniper scope...
    or Sharps https://weaponsandwarfare.files.word...ooter-1863.jpg)

    Let's see... Enfield, Mosin Nagant, Mauser, Model 700, Sharps, Ross.... I could fill a page with rifles used as SNIPER rifles....

    rants and misrepresentations, ignoring reality and fear mongering.. yep Liberals are in power again

    Last edited by mosquito; February 12th, 2016 at 09:48 PM.

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