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Thread: Finally People Are Wising Up

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    Well let me answer some of the comments - most Americans don't carry a weapon when they go out but those that want to can do it - its a person's choice - does a person really have to feel afraid and carry a weapon for protection - that depends where you go - there are some places that I would never think of going without a weapon because of what often happens in those locations - I personally feel safer when I am carrying and I like that feeling

    If our government ever went bad it is not a given that the army would support it - a part of it might but after all soldiers would not feel good about shooting their neighbors or family - look at Cuba - a hand full of armed rebels caused the government to fall - it only took one bullet to start WWI - a small group of armed citizens can cause such a burden on a government that it will collapse in time - look at our revolution - we beat the strongest army in the world at the time

    When terrorist end up shooting people they do it without fear of others having guns to shoot them - by the time the police arrive it is too late and a number of people are dead because there was no one to stop the terrorists - look at what happened in Paris - the terrorists kept reloading their guns and kept shooting people because the people in the theater were unarmed -

    Yes I agree there are shootings that occur because of the availability of guns in this country - some could have been stopped by a better evaluation of mental cases but even here to what point can you force a mentally sick person to get help -

    It boils down to this - freedom has a price - it is precious - many men and women have died over the years defending it - having freedom will at times cause difficulties but it is worth it - believe me - armed people are free people -

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Member for Life

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    As soon as you start deciding that only some people can own/ carry guns, then the idea of all being equal goes out the window. This was the flaw in our original FACs.

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