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Thread: Sophie Trudeau is one classy lady

  1. #21
    Member for Life

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    Face or farce?

  2. # ADS

  3. #22
    Travelling Tackle Shop

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    It has been said that when you enter public life you live under a microscope. No one ever said it was fair, but especially when they don't know you, they will dig to see what they can find. I am surprised the CTV didn't find this and drop her like a "hot potatoe" or maybe they did find it and hired her anyway. Given her previous position, this would have been considered quite unprofessional and most employers would have distanced themselves from her for this type of crude behavior.
    One only has to look at her mother-in-law who is the poster child for inappropriate behavior. She however, at the very least gets a partial pass as she was later discovered to be suffering from mental illness. Whether or not she was at the time of her indiscretions is anybody's guess.
    She is the first lady of this country and is therefore held to a higher standard as by default she represents our country.

    I guess in the Liberals rush for the coronation of Justin, they forgot to investigate her background.

    Sorry JBen, this is one time I don't agree with you.

    Last edited by Roe+; January 27th, 2016 at 04:19 PM.
    A bad day hunting or fishing is better than a good day at work.

  4. #23
    Member for Life

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    There are certain unwritten rules with respect to "first ladies" and families. Don't get me wrong, if she steps on a stage and sings an offkey song. Well by all means if people want to make fun of her, ( I still likely wont) she stepped on stage, to each their own. if shes in public in an official capacity (say a state dinner and drops a stink bomb?) Well yeah, she should be ripped then.

    Stuff like this?
    A) "big deal" really when we look at what is going on around us, I think there are more important things to be taking the PM and party to task for
    B) Nothing to do with her current life.

    Seems to me, not long ago some thought Harper was pretty cool for playing in a band and the odd video that got leaked. Anyone ever listen to him sing? National embarrassment?
    Last edited by JBen; January 27th, 2016 at 02:19 PM.

  5. #24
    Has too much time on their hands

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    The difference between Harper and Sophie on stage singing is that he thoroughly enjoys making music as a hobby. Sophie on the other hand firmly believes she is the next Celine Dion.

  6. #25
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  7. #26
    Needs a new keyboard

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    She is just as stupid and arrogant has her loser husband....they are both and EMBARRASSMENT to Canada!

  8. #27
    Elite Member

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    Don't sugar coat it Mike... you need to open up and tell us what you really think

    And yes, I tend to agree with your view
    There is room for all God's creatures - right next to the mashed potatoes!

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