December 31st, 2015, 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by
I have never believed in global warming. This guy just stayted what i thought.
The world spins round and round. They earth has also shifted over thousands of years. The poles are shifting and that being said the equator has always moved. Therefore some places are warmer and other places are colder. So how is global warming the answer. When places are getting snow that never seen snow must be global warming right. No it not global warming it's the earth shifting warming us up yes we are in the getting warmer weather. Yes the north pole is melting yes its warming up on this side of the equator. But the other side is getting colder . Why is Florida getting colder over the last decade because the equator has moved further away. Hence the colder weather south of us. All makes sense to me .
However im not A scientist just what i think about global warming. I could be wrong but that is what i believe.
Why , That is most logical Captain. " trying my best Spock impression"
December 31st, 2015 05:17 PM
December 31st, 2015, 06:45 PM
I have never liked Obama, so no wonder there for me. He was supported by Oprah, Enough said!!