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Thread: Liberals want our tax refund, just check the box

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    The only way I'd ever check that box off is if my return was 2 cents.
    That's just about what the Libs are worth in my eyes and even then I'm being overly generous.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
    Just starting out

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    Likely only cost us about $12 000 000 to collect that $135 000 last year too.
    I'd rather be fishing! Unless you want to go hunting!

  4. #13
    Member for Life

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    Giving the Libranos more money is like giving Whiskey to an alcoholic. Nothing good will come of it.
    I’m suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog who doesn't like a person.

  5. #14
    Loyal Member

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    So far feelings on this appear to be unanimous!!! Go figure, lmfao. Maybe all the ones that put the dimwit there inthe first place will pony up and donate vast amounts of money!! Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen!!

  6. #15

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    Quote Originally Posted by terrym View Post
    Giving the Libranos more money is like giving Whiskey to an alcoholic. Nothing good will come of it.
    +1; it pretty much a good definition of current Ontario Government. They had what? 13 years in power?
    Since they came into majority; their debt was increasing and not decreasing. they can go eff themselves.
    2013-2014 288.1
    2012-2013 252.1
    2011-2012 235.6
    2010-2011 214.5
    2009-2010 193.6
    2008-2009 169.6
    2007-2008 156.6
    2006-2007 153.7
    2005-2006 152.7
    2004-2005 140.9
    2003-2004 138.8
    Causes of Debt

    The Great Recession from 2007 onwards has impacted Ontario very hard, especially the manufacturing sector. Ontario's budget surplus in 2007-2008 changed into a $19 billion budget deficit by 2009-2010.[10]
    Government spending and some waste have contributed to the growth of Ontario's debt. The so-called "eHealth scandal", the power plant cancellation scandal, and the so-called "Ornge scandal" are often cited as examples of wasteful or ineffective government spending causing the growth in debt, though they have only increased debt by a small percentage.[11]
    Ontario government's direct subsidies to corporations average $2.7 billion per year over the five years to 2011.[12] It has been argued that business subsidies such as to the Ontario's automotive sector does not help create widespread economic growth or new jobs, rather it only contributes to increased spending and debt.[13]
    Tax cuts and incentives to high income earners during the 1990s reduced government revenues, thus increasing debt

  7. #16
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Just like a Liberal.. give us all your money and we will waste it for you. A Liberal doesn't like real work but likes others to pay for them while they waste and whine.

    ONLY if they resign and Wynne faces criminal charges is part of the question ... and even then not if it is more than 2 digits unless it is paying for the investigation and prosecution!
    Last edited by mosquito; December 24th, 2015 at 10:25 AM.

  8. #17
    Has too much time on their hands

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    Sign the petition on the Rebel Media asking for her resignation.

  9. #18
    Needs a new keyboard

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    I wouldn't give Wynne Bag or TruDope the sweat of my testicles even if they were dying of thirst let alone my tax refund...been retired and on a fixed income I don't get the kind of raises those thieves give themselves! Let them take a 50% wage cut and no more perks and then I might consider it...NOT!
    Last edited by Brampton Mike; December 25th, 2015 at 05:45 AM.

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