December 11th, 2015, 01:36 PM
My wife and I get along great...well after 39 years u have too..She took an intrest in hunting and fishing with me since day 1..
She got her gun and hunting licence and shot a 10 point buck..the next year she didnt even want to put in for it..
She has never moose hnted..but has gone to the camp and just waited for the guys to come in at night..
Has gone duck hunting also..until she took a tumble in the marsh and came out smelling worse than a rose..
Fishing in the back yard is OK..but going out and trolling is boring for her..
I still bow hunt and fish..
She says the absent makes the heart fonder..lol
But she will go up north with me and ride the trails on a quad..while we grouse hunt..but she dosent carry a gun anymore..
She will point them out and go in the bush for them when the smoke clears..
But I guess after me working out of town for 8 months on end..with only a phone to keep in touch..
Has made her realize that the grass isnt greener on the other side..
All in all we have 2 great kids and grandchildren..
So if I was you I would keep going..after something you love to do..
I know ..easier said than done..
December 11th, 2015 01:36 PM