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Thread: And JT wants to pull out of this fight

  1. #11
    Member for Life

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    Well here is where I side with "the left".

    We could, should have been doing more. While we do need to mindful of the inherent risk, and that includes there are a lot of "refugees" who naturally are taking advantage of the situation, seeking only economic gain. Sure the left trotted out our past glorious "reputation" of taking people in. Times were different.

    But when have we ever been afraid, and letting that stop us. Are we afraid of them? Is it really that much different than the accusations levelled at JT? Or those who think we should "pull them out".

    There's a lot to be said for leading by example.

    Again, the person to listen to was and is R. Hilliard who rightfully called both to task for not doing enough.

    Sacrifice entails some over there and some here at home. No different than WWII. It's not an either or, it's both.
    Last edited by JBen; October 28th, 2015 at 03:13 PM.

  2. # ADS

  3. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBen View Post
    Well here is where I side with "the left".

    We could, should have been doing more. While we do need to mindful of the inherent risk, and that includes there are a lot of "refugees" who naturally are taking advantage of the situation, seeking only economic gain. Sure the left trotted out our past glorious "reputation" of taking people in. Times were different.

    But when have we ever been afraid, and letting that stop us. Are we afraid of them? Is it really that much different than the accusations levelled at JT? Or those who think we should "pull them out".

    There's a lot to be said for leading by example.

    Again, the person to listen to was and is R. Hilliard who rightfully called both to task for not doing enough.

    Sacrifice entails some over there and some here at home. No different than WWII. It's not an either or, it's both.
    It most certainly is not the same as during WWII. We weren't fighting Muslims whi were bent on the destruction of the West !!!!

  4. #13
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    Why do people take for sort of general comments so literally, making them so out of context.
    Sacrifice entails some over there and some here at home. No different than WWII. It's not an either or, it's both

    When does war ever, not entail sacrifice at home?
    Didn't the war effort of WWII require sacrifice both….there…..and here?

    Yes times are a different, last I checked I lived in reality, not yesteryear or Utopia. So the sacrifices we need to make here at home are guess what……A little different than they were in 1942.

    Are you really that afraid of some bloodshed, some risk, even if it might happen here at home? Perhaps it's the people who don't understand some risk we have to take…who really are the fraidy cats.

    Do you think you know better than this man? Does anybody?

    Not only does he have a logistical plan that makes utter sense, its more than doable. The numbers of refugees (well lets leave that open, I don't nesseccarily agree with 50k) but the more we quibble over that, the less anything is getting done period.

    Read it. Doing the right thing isn't always isn't easy, but its the right thing none the less
    Last edited by JBen; October 28th, 2015 at 06:50 PM.

  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishermccann View Post
    Really? How could he hurt our world reputation worse than harper did?
    Sorry if you think I would send him on a way trip!! Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe he could talk Isil/Isis into dropping their weapons , smoke a big doobie and the whole world will live happily ever after.

    Please tell me where I can order a pair of those rose coloured glasses that you seem to view everything through!!

  6. #15
    Swims with the Fishes

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    What have we accomplished so far in the air campaign ? maybe training and supplying of anti isl fighters would be better for the overall cause and better economically

    I have more then enough to eat at home
    That rug really tied the room together

  7. #16
    Swims with the Fishes

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    Quote Originally Posted by mosquito View Post
    There are already alot of the Sunni mosques in Canada, I read that the woman that whined and screamed about wearing a niqab over her face during the citizenship goes to the same mosque as 6 of the Toronto 18 went to.... so it would seem that ISIL supporters are already here.

    The Shia held their first big march just last week, just a couple days after the election.
    Might I ask why you care ? Has a Sunni ever done anything to you or someone you know personally ?

    I'm just trying to figure out the Muslim fear we have on here. I can't find anywhere on the Internet of a Muslim extremist attack on our soil against our civilian population.

    There are a couple of lone wolf crazies yes but that's in any race or religion.

    I have more then enough to eat at home
    That rug really tied the room together

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